Ask Rachel

This website was created by women, for women. Where women can come together and unite as one family. A place where we can support and encourage one another. And a platform where women can become an inspiration to one another. It is us who can relate best with one another, and it is us who should help guide the other to get through the tunnel we once found ourselves in. Please use this platform to support, encourage, uplift, spread love and share your stories with your fellow sisters!

SHE RULES was not just created to educate women about the perils of dating and how to succeed, but to create a community to empower and support women on a multitude of different topics and issues, that we as women face on a daily basis. Please peruse and enjoy this website, and visitors are encouraged to participate in the community below. Ask Rachel, She Rules and so do you!



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ASK Rachel Forum



The biggest struggle.. talk about it.
My biggest struggle today, is trying to juggle being a single mother, going to practices, school performances, staying on top of doctor and dentist visits, while working on my own career, trying to climb the ladder, working a 9-5 every day, trying to find time to accomplish my own goals in life while being a girlfriend, having to wake up and make breakfast, get home in time to cook, clean up, do laundry, have date night, make your significant other still feel special and on top of it all having to look good while doing it, making sure your in shape and going to the gym and then do it all with a smile on your face. Sheesh! It is exhausting being a woman!